Gratitude Journal - Flower Motive


3WG brings you our new gratitude journal. Our gratitude journal will help you create the habit of recording and reflecting on the things you are grateful for regularly. Our journal allows you to write up to 3 things that have happened to you and for which you are grateful or grateful during the day.

Also, our diary allows you to record 3 acts of kindness that you have performed or that someone has performed for you, a section where you can monitor your emotions, and at the end of each week, you will have to recap and make notes.

At 3WG, believe that each person achieves their goals at their own pace and that they can properly make your transitions, so when you finish with your first year of our gratitude journal, you will still have several additional days to organize your thoughts.

Our gratitude journal does not have fixed dates either, so you can start it and resume it as you see fit, freeing yourself of any pressure we may feel when starting a new project.

Do not forget:

1. Enjoy the little things

2. Avoid repetition

3. Name specific people and places

4. Don't worry about bad days

5. Flex your "writer" muscles - Have fun with your posts!

6. Set a reminder or combine it with another habit

7. Write down all the surprises

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